Malcolm Mousekowitz (aka Malcolm For Tots) is an Internet shop selling handmade clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers. Classic, preppy, and fun styles are usually one of a kind and make perfect gifts for baby showers, birthdays, holidays, or for everyday dressing. Quality materials, quality craftsmanship,and superb customer service ensure satisfaction with your purchases bearing the Malcolm Mousekowitz label. Visit us at www.malcolmfortots.etsy.com
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Children's Books May Become e-Books
Today I read an interesting article that Random House may offer certain children's books as e-books. I'll give you a hint......Elmo may be in one of them. I think it is a marvelous idea to make books available to children everywhere. Think of all of the possibilities to introduce children to new books, classic books, how-to books, etc. I am not sure I would have loved ebooks when I was a child and must admit I would be hard-pressed even now to give up my "real" books for ebooks. The dust jackets, the illustrations, the feel of quality paper, and the spines lined up on bookshelves are all things I would miss. I suppose it is a good thing I am not a child any longer because today's children will find e-books exciting and normal for the era of their childhood.
classic books,
how-to books. dust jackets,
quality paper,
Random House
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Smashed Potato Soup
Today it is chilly here in the desert (not our usual weather), and I came across a recipe from Better Homes and Gardens for Smashed Potato Soup. It sounds delicious and a perfect thing to make today. There are so many incredibly delicious recipes on so many websites. I know I will not live to try all of the recipes I have printed out or saved or bookmarked......but I am going to enjoy trying as many as I can. I have two elderly neighbors (both in their 90's and amazing) with whom I like to share food on the days I actually cook. Last night I made Blackberry Cobbler from a recipe I found on a blog (and now I cannot find the blog because I failed to bookmark it). It was so yummy served warm with vanilla ice cream...........not on my diet, but I ate it anyhow and loved it!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee
Today I received a solicitation from St. Jude's which was founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas (father of Marlo Thomas). For many years I have been able to be a modest financial supporter of this marvelous institution and the wonderful care they provide to children. I especially laud them for providing care for children whether or not the parents are able to pay for such care. If ever I win the lottery (Reminder to self: Buy a ticket) I would be thrilled to make a huge contribution to St. Jude's. I must confess, however, that I can barely bring myself to watch their infomercials on television because seeing children suffering from terminal illness just breaks my heart. I am a devout coward when it comes to witnessing tragedies befalling children (and their parents), but I want to support organizations that can and do address, treat, cure, assist, and/or prevent any such tragedies. Some of you may be unfamiliar with what St. Jude's does, the criteria for being a patient receiving care, the warning signs of childhood cancer, and/or the amazing results they have achieved since opening their doors in 1962. If so, I encourage you to visit their website http://www.stjude.org. Also, if you want some delicious recipes visit www.stjude.org/gameday as today's solicitation included a recipe for Yum Yum Brownie Muffins which I am going to try this week. There are many worthwhile charities that help children, and certainly St. Jude's is one of the best as evidenced by their results.
brownie recipe,
charities for children,
childhood cancer,
Danny Thomas,
Marlo Thomas,
St. Jude's,
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital,
terminal illness,
warning signs
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
When A Blessing Follows A Tragedy
Recently I blogged about the tragic, senseless murder of a young husband and father-to-be. Although the killers have not yet been caught, today I received a phone call telling me that the young widow delivered a 9 lb. 4 oz. baby boy. Mother and baby are doing well, and the joy of this arrival is a blessing despite the incredible grief which is still being felt. I believe there is nothing sweeter than a baby, and I hope and pray that this little boy and his mother will have a wonderful life together.
baby boy,
blessing received,
wonderful life
Friday, January 13, 2012
Are You Interested In Watching Young People Succeed?
As most of you know, I have both a website and an ETSY site for our handmade clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers. In the process of learning how to establish a successful online business, I have come across some very smart young people whom I am personally cheering on as they pursue their careers. I find each of them to be charming, intelligent, motivated, creative, results oriented, self-confident, and sassy with delightful personalities. Even if you do not need their services, you should check out their sites which I think you will find refreshing and interesting. Mayi Carles at http://www.mayicarles.com, April Bowles-Olin at http://www.blacksburgbelle.com, Megan Auman at http://www.craftingmba.com, Laura Roeder at http://www.lauraroeder.com, and Marie Forleo at http://www.marieforleo.com
Monday, January 9, 2012
My Heartfelt Sympathy And My Growing Hatred
The niece of a dear friend of mine is expecting her first baby in about a week. Her young husband was murdered last week after being robbed in their driveway as he arrived home from work. There are no words to adequately express my sorrow for his young wife, their unborn child, their parents and siblings, and their friends. I find more and more that my feelings of disgust and disdain for the wicked, evil people of the world are evolving into feelings of actual hatred for their actions and attitudes. I hate their crimes, their lack of respect for anything or anyone, their failure to value any life, their cowardly inability to face life and accept responsibility as decent human beings, their stupidity, their arrogance, and the burden they become on society when they are finally apprehended, found guilty and punished. I hate that they live on while their innocent victims do not. I hate that our judicial system is not always just, and I hate that our prisons are overflowing. I hate that we coddle criminals and provide them with better living conditions than homeless families with children whose only crime is poverty. I hate whatever happened or didn't happen in the lives of the wicked people that caused them to make such wrong choices. I hate that some parents abuse and/or neglect their children. I hate that some parents fail to teach their children right from wrong, that they tolerate and encourage disrespectful behavior, that they do not set good examples for their offspring to emulate. I hate that we have a society where deceit, duplicity, greed, avarice, and corruption flourish among those people we elect to represent us and govern our cities, counties, states and country. If good people still outnumber bad people (and I believe they do) then we must do whatever it takes to ensure this new baby and all children can grow up in a better world. We cannot do everything, but each of us can do something and all of our somethings can add up to everything.
coddle criminals,
judicial system,
lack of respect,
prisons overflowing,
value life,
Friday, January 6, 2012
Down For The Count
Although I am not entirely certain of what that phrase means (I think I heard it used in the movies during boxing matches), today it is how I feel. I have the flu again for the second time in 8 weeks, and I am really hating it! I had a flu shot in September which seems to have done nothing for me, and this time I am feeling as bad or worse than I did with the first bout. Today if you look up the word "whine" in your dictionary you might very well see my picture..........sorry to subject you to that so will end this post with hopes that all of you are well, that none of you will contract the flu this season, and that your New Year is off to a very great start. Catch you next time.
down for the count,
flu shot,
good wishes,
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
More About Sale Prices
In addition to 25% off of all merchandise displayed in our ETSY shop at www.malcolmfortots.etsy.com you will also find those sale prices on our website www.malcolmfortots.com Prices are effective through February 1, 2012.
clearance sale,
Malcolm For Tots,
sale prices,
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Do You Have A "Pay It Forward" List?
Having just caught up today on reading blog posts, I particularly enjoyed Annemarie's Pay It Forward list on her site www.brunchatsaks.blogspot.com What a great idea and one that all of us should have and then follow up with action! If you have not yet visited her blog, do yourself a favor and see it soon. She covers a myriad of beautiful things with great photos and ideas.
ETSY Shop Sale
Although I don't want this blog to focus too often on my business websites, I do want to let you know that we are gearing up to show our Spring and Summer merchandise very soon. So starting today and through February 1, 2012 all merchandise currently displayed at our ETSY site www.malcolmfortots.etsy.com is on sale for 25% off of the regular retail prices. If you are going to need a baby shower gift, a newborn gift, a birthday or special event gift or something for your own baby or toddler we think you will find what you need and at great prices (think about how long it takes to handknit any garment).
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