Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Doctor Is In And Eisenhower Medical Center Is The Place To Be

Even more often than usual, my calendar is filled with medical appointments.  Scan for this.  MRI for that. Biopsy of something else. Injection for small tear in rotator cuff. I have some doctors whom I have been seeing since moving to the desert six years ago.  Now I have added two new ones just this week.
Since moving here I have encountered only three doctors I chose not to remain with, and I replaced them with different ones who actually seem to be interested in my health.  I am thrilled to say that the two additional physicians are in that same category so I am feeling very blessed as I face some new health challenges.  When you must put your life in the hands of strangers it is imperative that you at least like these people, that they listen to you and address your questions and concerns, and they do not crank patients in and out of their offices as if  they were factories.  My two new doctors and my existing physicians all serve me well, and together they encourage, comfort, heal, and treat me with unfailing kindness.  I am very thankful for each one of them and for Eisenhower Medical Center which provides great care and high standards to all who enter their doors.  Lucky me to have the good fortune to live in an area with such good health care.

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